Le Moulin du Verger

papeterie artisanale depuis 1539 & atelier de reliure manuelle


“Tim Barrett, research scientist and paper specialist at the University of Iowa Center for the Book, writes “Jacques Brejoux’s construction of a full size set of medieval papermaking stampers is a major accomplishment in the world of contemporary hand papermaking.  Jacques’ papermaking expertise in combination with Chris Clarkson’s deep understanding of the history and technique of bookbinding result in a unique workshop opportunity.  I cannot imagine a better mentoring team for those interested in paper cased bindings.”

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L'agenda du moulin

Rendez-nous visite tout au long de l'année au creux de la vallée des eaux claires à Puymoyen au coeur de la Charente à quelques encablures de la ville d'Angoulême...

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